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Jellycat 創立於 1999年英國倫敦,品牌一直使用最頂級的材料,每隻玩偶都經過多重測試才出廠,通過歐盟 EN71、歐洲產品品質認證 CE 標章與美國 ASTM 檢驗規範,有「世界上最舒服的絨毛玩偶品牌」美譽。Jellycat歷史悠久,玩偶已經成為一種時尚。可愛又具創意的設計深受各界愛戴 ! 大人小朋友也愛不釋手!

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371 products


Save $10.00Jellycat Peanut Keychain|Amuseables Peanut Bag Charm
Jellycat Peanut Keychain|Amuseables Peanut Bag Charm Sale price$310.00 Regular price$320.00
Jellycat Croissant Keychain | Amuseable Croissant Bag Charm 16cmJellycat Croissant Keychain | Amuseable Croissant Bag Charm 16cm
Jellycat Smiling Coffee Cup Bag | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go BagJellycat Smiling Coffee Cup Bag | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go Bag
Sold outJellycat Coffee Keychain | Amuseable Coffee-To-Go Bag Charm
Sold outSave $15.00Jellycat Smiling Marshmallows Keychain|Amuseables Pair of Marshmallows Bag Charm 15cmJellycat Smiling Marshmallows Keychain|Amuseables Pair of Marshmallows Bag Charm 15cm
Sold outJellycat 聖誕樹賓利兔 | Bashful Bunny with Christmas Tree 18cmJellycat 聖誕樹賓利兔 | Bashful Bunny with Christmas Tree 18cm
Save $20.00Jellycat Wedding Ring | Amuseable Diamond Ring 12cmJellycat Wedding Ring | Amuseable Diamond Ring 12cm
Jellycat Wedding Ring | Amuseable Diamond Ring 12cm Sale price$350.00 Regular price$370.00
Save $100.00Jellycat Croissant Bag | Amuseables Croissant Bag 27cm
Jellycat Croissant Bag | Amuseables Croissant Bag 27cm Sale price$380.00 Regular price$480.00
Sold outJellycat 聖誕花生馴鹿 |Amuseables Peanut Reindeer 15cmJellycat 聖誕花生馴鹿 |Amuseables Peanut Reindeer 15cm
Save $30.00Jellycat Amuseables Smile Birthday Cake | Birthday Cake 16cmJellycat Amuseables Smile Birthday Cake | Birthday Cake 16cm
Sold outJellycat 可愛小花生  | Amuseables Peanut 15cmJellycat 可愛小花生  | Amuseables Peanut 15cm
Jellycat Toast Keychain|Amuseable Toast Bag Charm 19cmJellycat Toast Keychain|Amuseable Toast Bag Charm 19cm
Save $80.00Jellycat Popcorn Bag | Amuseables Popcorn Bag 19cmJellycat Popcorn Bag | Amuseables Popcorn Bag 19cm
Jellycat Popcorn Bag | Amuseables Popcorn Bag 19cm Sale price$410.00 Regular price$490.00
Save $35.00Jellycat Wedding Doll Bride Egg | Amuseable Boiled Egg Bride 14cmJellycat Wedding Doll Bride Egg | Amuseable Boiled Egg Bride 14cm
Sold outJellycat Smiling Cloud Bag | Amuseable Cloud Bag 23cmJellycat Smiling Cloud Bag | Amuseable Cloud Bag 23cm
Save $140.00Jellycat Smiling Daisy|Amuseable Daisy soft toy 34cmJellycat Smiling Daisy|Amuseable Daisy soft toy 34cm
Jellycat Smiling Daisy|Amuseable Daisy soft toy 34cm Sale price$520.00 Regular price$660.00
Save $30.00Jellycat 冷帽小牛油果 |  Amuseables Bobble Avocado 19cmJellycat 冷帽小牛油果 |  Amuseables Bobble Avocado 19cm
Save $75.00Jellycat Small Sun Bag Keychain | Amuseable Sun Bag Charm 20cm
Save $110.00Jellycat Tennis Keychain|Amuseable Sports Tennis Bag CharmJellycat Tennis Keychain|Amuseable Sports Tennis Bag Charm
Sold outSave $10.00Jellycat Baiyun Keychain | Amuseable Cloud Bag Charm 15cmJellycat Baiyun Keychain | Amuseable Cloud Bag Charm 15cm
Jellycat Baiyun Keychain | Amuseable Cloud Bag Charm 15cm Sale price$290.00 Regular price$300.00
Save $35.00Jellycat Wedding Doll Groom Egg | Amuseable Boiled Egg Groom 14cm
Save $40.00Jellycat 北歐雲杉聖誕圈 | Amuseables Decorated Christmas Wreath 40cmJellycat 北歐雲杉聖誕圈 | Amuseables Decorated Christmas Wreath 40cm
Jellycat Avocado Bag | Amuseable Avocado Bag 29cmJellycat Avocado Bag | Amuseable Avocado Bag 29cm
Save $25.00Jellycat Pearl Milk Tea Plush Toy|Amuseable Bubble 20cmJellycat Pearl Milk Tea Plush Toy|Amuseable Bubble 20cm
Jellycat Pearl Milk Tea Plush Toy|Amuseable Bubble 20cm Sale price$325.00 Regular price$350.00
Sold outSave $60.00Jellycat Eggplant Keychain|Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine Bag Charm 12cmJellycat Eggplant Keychain|Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine Bag Charm 12cm
Save $50.00Jellycat Bashful Bunny Keychain|Bashful Bunny Beige Bag CharmJellycat Bashful Bunny Keychain|Bashful Bunny Beige Bag Charm
Save $60.00Jellycat Amuseable Ginger 15cmJellycat Amuseable Ginger 15cm
Jellycat Amuseable Ginger 15cm Sale price$330.00 Regular price$390.00
Jellycat Avocado Keychain | Amuseable Avocado Bag Charm 19cm
Jellycat Graduation Egg|Amuseable Boiled Egg Graduation soft toy 14cmJellycat Graduation Egg|Amuseable Boiled Egg Graduation soft toy 14cm
Sold outSave $30.00Jellycat Croissant | Amuseable Croissant 33cmJellycat Croissant | Amuseable Croissant 33cm
Jellycat Croissant | Amuseable Croissant 33cm Sale price$320.00 Regular price$350.00
Jellycat 可愛手棒花 | Amuseables Bouquet of Flowers 31cmJellycat 可愛手棒花 | Amuseables Bouquet of Flowers 31cm
Sold outSave $40.00Jellycat 聖誕紅色耳罩茄子 | Toastie Vivacious Red Aubergine 16cmJellycat 聖誕紅色耳罩茄子 | Toastie Vivacious Red Aubergine 16cm
Jellycat Smiling Badminton | Amuseable Sports Badminton 15cmJellycat Smiling Badminton | Amuseable Sports Badminton 15cm
Save $30.00Jellycat Peanut Penguin key chain | Peanut Penguin soft bag charm 17cmJellycat Peanut Penguin key chain | Peanut Penguin soft bag charm 17cm
Save $125.00Jellaycat Amuseable Sports Vollyball | Beach Volleyball Figure 26cmJellaycat Amuseable Sports Vollyball | Beach Volleyball Figure 26cm
Sold outSave $5.00Jellycat 北歐雲杉聖誕樹 | Amuseables Nordic Spruce Christmas Tree 45cmJellycat 北歐雲杉聖誕樹 | Amuseables Nordic Spruce Christmas Tree 45cm
Sold outJellycat Pink Smiling Coffee Cup | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go Bag-PinkJellycat Pink Smiling Coffee Cup | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go Bag-Pink
Jellycat Egg Keychain | Amuseable Happy Boiled Egg Bag Charm 18cmJellycat Egg Keychain | Amuseable Happy Boiled Egg Bag Charm 18cm
Sold outSave $75.00Jellycat Cute Marshmallows | Amuseables Pink And White Marshmallows 9cmJellycat Cute Marshmallows | Amuseables Pink And White Marshmallows 9cm
Sold outSave $60.00Jellycat 微笑鬱金香 | Amuseables Tulip Pot 30cmJellycat 微笑鬱金香 | Amuseables Tulip Pot 30cm
Jellycat 微笑鬱金香 | Amuseables Tulip Pot 30cm Sale price$420.00 Regular price$480.00
Save $50.00Jellycat 小烏龜鎖匙扣 | Timmy Turtle Bag Charm 15cmJellycat 小烏龜鎖匙扣 | Timmy Turtle Bag Charm 15cm
Jellycat 小烏龜鎖匙扣 | Timmy Turtle Bag Charm 15cm Sale price$300.00 Regular price$350.00
Save $90.00Jellycat 北歐雲杉聖誕樹 | Amuseables Nordic Spruce Christmas Tree 27cmJellycat 北歐雲杉聖誕樹 | Amuseables Nordic Spruce Christmas Tree 27cm
Sold outSave $60.00Jellycat Pretzel Doll | Amuseable Huge Pretzel 18cmJellycat Pretzel Doll | Amuseable Huge Pretzel 18cm
Jellycat Pretzel Doll | Amuseable Huge Pretzel 18cm Sale price$290.00 Regular price$350.00
Jellycat Baseball Keychain | Amuseable Baseball Bag Charm 12cmJellycat Baseball Keychain | Amuseable Baseball Bag Charm 12cm
Sold outJellycat Toast Bag | Amuseable Toast Bag 19cmJellycat Toast Bag | Amuseable Toast Bag 19cm
Sold outSave $95.00Jellycat Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine 40cmJellycat Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine 40cm
Jellycat Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine 40cm Sale price$455.00 Regular price$550.00
Save $40.00Jellycat Smile Table Tennis | Amuseables Sports Table Tennis 28cmJellycat Smile Table Tennis | Amuseables Sports Table Tennis 28cm
Jellycat 玫瑰花束 | Amuseables Rose Bouquet 30cmJellycat 玫瑰花束 | Amuseables Rose Bouquet 30cm