



Jellycat 創立於 1999年英國倫敦,品牌一直使用最頂級的材料,每隻玩偶都經過多重測試才出廠,通過歐盟 EN71、歐洲產品品質認證 CE 標章與美國 ASTM 檢驗規範,有「世界上最舒服的絨毛玩偶品牌」美譽。Jellycat歷史悠久,玩偶已經成為一種時尚。可愛又具創意的設計深受各界愛戴 ! 大人小朋友也愛不釋手!


439 件產品


已售完Jellycat 花生鎖匙扣 |Amuseables Peanut Bag Charm 18cm
已售完Jellycat 牛角包鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Croissant Bag Charm 16cmJellycat 牛角包鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Croissant Bag Charm 16cm
已售完Jellycat 微笑咖啡杯袋 | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go BagJellycat 微笑咖啡杯袋 | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go Bag
省下 $50.00Jellycat 牛角包袋 | Amuseables Croissant Bag 27cm
已售完Jellycat 微笑棉花糖鎖匙扣 | Amuseables Pair of Marshmallows Bag Charm 15cmJellycat 微笑棉花糖鎖匙扣 | Amuseables Pair of Marshmallows Bag Charm 15cm
Jellycat 玫瑰花束 | Amuseables Rose Bouquet 30cmJellycat 玫瑰花束 | Amuseables Rose Bouquet 30cm
已售完Jellycat 咖啡鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Coffee-To-Go Bag Charm
Jellycat 可愛小花生  | Amuseables Peanut 15cmJellycat 可愛小花生  | Amuseables Peanut 15cm
Jellycat 微笑白雲袋 | Amuseable Cloud Bag 23cmJellycat 微笑白雲袋 | Amuseable Cloud Bag 23cm
已售完Jellycat 吐司鎖匙扣|Amuseable Toast Bag Charm 19cmJellycat 吐司鎖匙扣|Amuseable Toast Bag Charm 19cm
已售完Jellycat 結婚戒指 | Amuseable Diamond Ring 12cmJellycat 結婚戒指 | Amuseable Diamond Ring 12cm
已售完省下 $10.00Jellycat 爆谷袋 | Amuseables Popcorn Bag 19cmJellycat 爆谷袋 | Amuseables Popcorn Bag 19cm
已售完Jellycat 聖誕花生馴鹿 |Amuseables Peanut Reindeer 15cmJellycat 聖誕花生馴鹿 |Amuseables Peanut Reindeer 15cm
已售完省下 $10.00Jellycat Amuseables 微笑生日蛋糕 | Birthday Cake 16cmJellycat Amuseables 微笑生日蛋糕 | Birthday Cake 16cm
省下 $70.00Jellycat  微笑小雛菊|Amuseable Daisy soft toy 34cmJellycat  微笑小雛菊|Amuseable Daisy soft toy 34cm
已售完Jellycat 可愛手棒花 | Amuseables Bouquet of Flowers 31cmJellycat 可愛手棒花 | Amuseables Bouquet of Flowers 31cm
省下 $30.00Jellycat 結婚公仔新娘雞蛋 | Amuseable Boiled Egg Bride 14cmJellycat 結婚公仔新娘雞蛋 | Amuseable Boiled Egg Bride 14cm
已售完Jellycat 小黑雲鎖匙扣 | Amuseables Storm Cloud Charm 13cmJellycat 小黑雲鎖匙扣 | Amuseables Storm Cloud Charm 13cm
省下 $15.00Jellycat 牛角包 | Amuseable Croissant 33cmJellycat 牛角包 | Amuseable Croissant 33cm
Jellycat 牛角包 | Amuseable Croissant 33cm 促銷價$335.00 原價$350.00
已售完省下 $40.00Jellycat 小太陽鎖匙扣  | Amuseable Sun Bag Charm 20cm
已售完Jellycat 櫻桃蛋糕 | Amuseables Cheri Cake13cmJellycat 櫻桃蛋糕 | Amuseables Cheri Cake13cm
省下 $10.00Jellycat 花生企鵝鎖匙扣 | Peanut Penguin soft bag charm 17cmJellycat 花生企鵝鎖匙扣 | Peanut Penguin soft bag charm 17cm
省下 $30.00Jellycat 結婚公仔新郎雞蛋 | Amuseable Boiled Egg Groom 14cm
已售完Jellycat Amuseables Kerrii Cactus | 心葉仙人掌 17cmJellycat Amuseables Kerrii Cactus | 心葉仙人掌 17cm
已售完省下 $30.00Jellycat 冷帽小牛油果 |  Amuseables Bobble Avocado 19cmJellycat 冷帽小牛油果 |  Amuseables Bobble Avocado 19cm
已售完Jellycat 微笑羽毛球 | Amuseable Sports Badminton 15cmJellycat 微笑羽毛球 | Amuseable Sports Badminton 15cm
已售完Jellycat 牛油果鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Avocado Bag Charm 16cm
已售完Jellycat 珍珠奶茶毛絨玩具 |Amuseable Bubble 20cmJellycat 珍珠奶茶毛絨玩具 |Amuseable Bubble 20cm
Jellycat 畢業雞蛋 |Amuseable Boiled Egg Graduation soft toy 14cmJellycat 畢業雞蛋 |Amuseable Boiled Egg Graduation soft toy 14cm
Jellycat 雞蛋鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Happy Boiled Egg Bag Charm 18cmJellycat 雞蛋鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Happy Boiled Egg Bag Charm 18cm
已售完省下 $125.00Jellaycat Amuseable Sports Volleyball | 沙灘排球公仔 26cmJellaycat Amuseable Sports Volleyball | 沙灘排球公仔 26cm
省下 $15.00Jellycat 小烏龜鎖匙扣 | Timmy Turtle Bag Charm 15cmJellycat 小烏龜鎖匙扣 | Timmy Turtle Bag Charm 15cm
省下 $60.00Jellycat 趣味水仙花盆栽 |Amuseable Daffodil Pot 28cmJellycat 趣味水仙花盆栽 |Amuseable Daffodil Pot 28cm
省下 $90.00Jellycat 網球鎖匙扣 |Amuseable Sports Tennis Bag CharmJellycat 網球鎖匙扣 |Amuseable Sports Tennis Bag Charm
省下 $130.00Jellycat 心心愛情鎖  | Amuseables Val & Tina Love Locks 22cmJellycat 心心愛情鎖  | Amuseables Val & Tina Love Locks 22cm
已售完省下 $30.00Jellycat 微笑鬱金香 | Amuseables Tulip Pot 30cmJellycat 微笑鬱金香 | Amuseables Tulip Pot 30cm
已售完省下 $45.00Jellycat 椒鹽脆餅玩偶 | Amuseable Large Pretzel 18cmJellycat 椒鹽脆餅玩偶 | Amuseable Large Pretzel 18cm
已售完Jellycat 茄子鎖匙扣 |Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine Bag Charm 12cmJellycat 茄子鎖匙扣 |Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine Bag Charm 12cm
Jellycat 牛油果包  | Amuseable Avocado Bag 29cmJellycat 牛油果包  | Amuseable Avocado Bag 29cm
省下 $60.00Jellycat  小生薑 | Amuseable Ginger 15cmJellycat  小生薑 | Amuseable Ginger 15cm
Jellycat 小生薑 | Amuseable Ginger 15cm 促銷價$330.00 原價$390.00
已售完省下 $40.00Jellycat 趣味植物茄子 |Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine 40cmJellycat 趣味植物茄子 |Vivacious Vegetable Aubergine 40cm
已售完省下 $30.00Jellycat 聖誕紅色耳罩茄子 | Toastie Vivacious Red Aubergine 16cmJellycat 聖誕紅色耳罩茄子 | Toastie Vivacious Red Aubergine 16cm
Jellycat 棒球鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Baseball Bag Charm 12cmJellycat 棒球鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Baseball Bag Charm 12cm
已售完Jellycat 粉紅色微笑咖啡杯 | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go Bag-PinkJellycat 粉紅色微笑咖啡杯 | Amuseables Coffee-To-Go Bag-Pink
已售完省下 $10.00Jellycat 白雲鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Cloud Bag Charm 15cmJellycat 白雲鎖匙扣 | Amuseable Cloud Bag Charm 15cm
省下 $85.00Jellycat 紅色心心袋 | Amuseables Heart Bag 17cmJellycat 紅色心心袋 | Amuseables Heart Bag 17cm
省下 $20.00Jellycat 法棍面包柔软毛绒玩具 | Amuseable Baguette soft toy 34cmJellycat 法棍面包柔软毛绒玩具 | Amuseable Baguette soft toy 34cm
省下 $90.00Jellycat 咖啡豆毛绒玩具 | Amuseable Coffee Bean 13cmJellycat 咖啡豆毛绒玩具 | Amuseable Coffee Bean 13cm